Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thoughts on a Friday Night

I'm sitting with my husband after watching Argo, and I am so glad for all I have. I've got him, my family, his family, friends, a job, my dogs, a roof over my head. All in all, good things are happening for me.

I think this is why it's been so difficult to really, stay with me.

When I was lonely, broke, and depressed all the time, I took to my writing. It was an in-expensive way to retreat. It was better than drinking or getting into drugs, and I couldn't throw myself into exercising all hours of the day. People can only run so much in one day.

Lately I've been reading a bit more. I've been thinking a lot more. And I've even gone to pick up a pen a couple times. I have a little notebook a friend gave me for Christmas that sparked my interest again. It's a very cute, small, pocket-sized notebook that stays with me and reminds me to write. The only writing it's received though is one shopping list.

Writing is my passion. I need to get over whatever these walls are that I've been letting myself stay at and just jump over. I've got several pretty decent ideas.

Time to let the pen flow.

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