Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Description excerpt

This is a description in the beginning of "Finally," the working title for the current manuscript. I liked it, so I figured I'd share. Enjoy!

Everything seemed to be perfect in my mind. I had a job, I had a great apartment. I didn't have friends yet so I knew that would have to be the first thing to fix. I thought there might be potential with Sarah, but she just handed me my badge at lunch and then quickly left to meet her husband for a quick bite.
When I got home that first night after work I unlocked the blue door and walked into my box infested living room. The boxes were in the appropriate rooms, but nothing had been unpacked yet. The clothing hanging in my closet were new work clothes that my mother bought me while my dad and brothers moved my stuff into my apartment.
My condo was really nice, a two-bedroom place on a long street of similar buildings. When I first arrived I was actually surprised that it was so nice. I didn't expect it to be a hole in the wall, but my dad always joked that my first place out of school would be small, dark and would have a smell that would remind him of his dorm days. This place had a smell, but it was more like flowers and baked goods than molding dishes and unclean athletes.

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