Friday, April 2, 2010


When I came to college in 2005 I had a vague picture in my head of who I would be and what I would become. I'm happy to say that almost five years better I'm a better person and I'm on track for that person I'm still to become.

One thing I remember very well from the first few weeks at school was something a good friend, who was at that time only a recent acquaintance, asked me about during the first cigar night I had ever been to. He asked, "What are you passionate about?" I was stumped. I wondered what sort of question that was, and if everyone was going to quiz me like that when I met them for the first time. No one else has really made me think that hard about myself, who I am, what I can do. Passion. Love of something so much that you just have to have it, complete it, embrace it. I realized not long after that conversation that I have several passions in my life and I'm working diligently to keep all of those.

Now, five years later, if someone asks me what I'm passionate about I've got a list and reasons why. God, building lasting relationships with people, writing, learning, growing, these are just a few. Passion is the only thing worth living for. Passion is the reason I get up in the morning. Sometimes I forget that, but I'm reminded by the people I'm around.

My dad is especially good at reminding me. He flatters me when he tells me that I can do anything. That I've always been able to take what I have and make it what I want. He's right. I think it's a couple parts stubborn and a lot of passion. I've learned that from him. Anytime I was crying over something, he would just remind me that I was strong, I was dedicated, and I had the heart to finish whatever it was.

One of the main goals in my life is to be published. I've realized recently that writing and creating stories that bring some sort of happiness to someone else, even if for a moment, is my second biggest passion. God taking a considerable lead over that. Story telling is a gift from God, and I only hope I can glorify Him in what I write. I hope through it all He can use me for the good of at least one person. I want to help. I try to help. I will help.

Passion. Be passionate, about something. Have a love, a true unyielding love. I recommend a relationship with Christ, He's never let me down when I let Him be there for me. I feel like I let Him down sometimes, but then I remember that He loves me through all of it. He fills me with all this passion and all of these words. He is my will to get up everyday. He is my everything. He is passion.

These were just some things I was thinking tonight. God has truly been helping me to focus more on my writing (because I asked for help) and it's been great. I just needed someone to care, someone to love me, and He's filled that spot incredibly. :-)

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