Friday, July 23, 2010


So I wrote a poem in April of 2006 called "A Wedding to Be." It's funny that I just ran across it because I have two sisters getting married in August. While it's incredibly excited for the two of them, re-reading this poem I remember some of the things I was afraid of in regards to relationships at 18.

I thought that I guarded my heart to much to actually let someone in. Well, that's not such a bad thing. Then as it keeps going I am shocked when I find that I actually let someone in. Yeah, okay I can see that happening to me. It's funny how you can see the way someone thinks through their writing, whether the piece is particularly good or not.

I wish everyone out there giving relationships a try all the best in the world. It's tough out there sometimes. I'm excited for my sisters, for my friends, for everyone who is able to fall in love and find someone to spend their lives with. Maybe someday I'll need lace as well. :-)

Here is one of my attempts at a sonnet four years ago. Enjoy!

A Wedding to Be
by: Jennifer Nelson

My heart is guarded so steadfast
Many a man can surely see
I try to start a fling to last
But he and I shall never be

So there upon the satin mat
My mind was finding ways to run
I knew we soon would have a chat
These things tend to not be fun

As I run through the trees
He shouts to me a fond “Hello!”
And I have found me weak at the knees
When I realize this I think “Oh no!”

He pulls me to him and touches my face
With his kisses I know I’ll soon need lace

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